"inertia causes think tanks to overlook, neglect, and mishandle key aspects of critical issues.
iopa is here to fill those niches."
Robust analysis packaged with civil, informed disagreement is the IOPA route to objective policy assessments and enlightened policymaking.
Competing analyses, plus
review and commentary, from
diverse perspectives,
yield objective assessments.
We find ourselves in dangerous circumstances despite the existing think tanks best efforts, and because of some of those efforts.
It can take new teams of scholars to explore new ideas in new ways. Groupthink and not-invented-here attitudes are common, serious impediments to much needed new ideas.
IOPA aims to accelerate efforts to:
a) preserve, study, and assert marginalized ideas, insights, and endangered theses;
b) identify and study important overlooked issues;
c) expand the concept of accountability to scholars and journalists;
d) virtuously police counter-productive labels, language, and narratives; and
e) be thought leaders. Consider this general, real example of thought leadership.
An actual conversation between IOPA’s JM and BF: JM – “Bill we need to study XYZ.” BF — “John, no one is talking about that.” JM — “they need to be!”
All of that illustrates why IOPA will struggle to find support from typical sources, which is why your engagement and support is especially important and productive.
Phelps, Richard P. 2023.The Malfunction of US Education Policy: Elite Misinformation, Disinformation, and Selfishness. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
Merrifield, John. 2022/2019. School System Reform: How and Why is a Price-less Tale. Murrells Inlet, SC: Covenant Press. - a 2022 update of a book first published in 2019.
Phelps, Richard P. 2008. Correcting Fallacies about Educational and Psychological Testing. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
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Nation at Risk VI, Including a Partial Misunderstanding of the Risk
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