Climate Change Concerns
Climate Change Concerns Key Findings and Recommendations:
Key issues include:
1) very costly uncertainties about the value of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission reductions;
2) high rates of non-participation in emission reduction agreements, and non-compliance with GHG reduction promises; and
3) Should damages to the non-compliant be considered in benefit-cost analyses of GHG reduction strategies?
So, it’s prudent to:
a) drastically improve geoengineering proficiency – curb poorly informed applications;
b) disaggregate social cost of carbon estumates, by country;
c) implement some of the many no-regrets GHG emission reduction approaches;
d) adopt a carbon tax policy on fiscal imperatives, and improved efficiency of taxation;
e) streamline adding to nuclear power capacity;
f) accelerate battery development; and
g) expand definition of batery to include storage such as pumped storage.
Key reference: htps://
Civil, Informed Disagreement:
1) Slow-to-change GHG atmospheric concentrations – makes action urgent, even in light of significant uncertainties.
2) Dangerous to over-rely on geoengineering.
3) Unlikely significant streamlining of nuclear power plant construction.
4) Coal needs to be sharply phased down; even if only for urban pollution.
5) We can foster improved compliance with GHG reduction promises.
Key references: so many possibilities – readers suggest some.
Research Needs: Much to Audit/Expose – Too many Black boxes
Identify the grounds for genuine civil, informed disagreements – address those with research to the extent possible.
Identify the most efficient GHG emission reduction policies; likewise, the most inefficient approaches.
Disaggregate the Social Cost of Carbon calculations, by country.
Document why it costs much more to build nuclear power plants in some countries than others.
Identify streamlining and cost reduction opportunities.
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